Friday, September 2, 2011


A while ago, the kids and I went to a water park with Jon's mom.  I remember a boy coming in alone just after us.  I though it was a bit odd since he was about the same size as my 7.5 YO son.  Turns out, he saw my son and figured they would get along just great so he found us inside the park and asked to play together.  They were the same size so they were the same age right?

WRONG!  Turns out this boy will be turning 11 in just a couple weeks.  I know my son is tall for his age, but is he really THAT big?!?!  Once the boy found out my son's age, he didn't go off and find someone else closer to his age to play with either. 

After watching them interact I could tell there were certainly some age-specific developmental differences, but you know what, they played together for 2 hours and they had a great time.  The other boy, was able to get my son to come out of his shell a bit too.  He even convinced my son to do a rather large and fast water slide.  They were riding in a tube, but the current at the bottom was pretty swift so I was happy and impressed to see him willing to do it (over. and over. and over. and over again). 

1 comment:

  1. Very cool that he was able to convince J to try some stuff and I must say it was also pretty cool that he still wanted to play and have fun when he found out the age difference. Some kids wouldn't have, so that's pretty great. ~J
