Thursday, July 14, 2011

Get Up, Get Up, You Sleepy Head

My daughter has been on an antibiotic for almost a week now.  As prescribed, I'm supposed to give her a dose every 8 hours.  Considering she sleeps for 11 hours and I like to sleep for as many hours straight as possible, getting that done exactly as prescribed has been a bit difficult.  What I've been doing is sneaking into her room right as I'm about to go to bed and give her a dose then.

To date, she has not remembered one single night dose.  That's because I can't actually get her to wake up.  I talk to her, I shake her, I flip her over and she STILL doesn't wake up (I will be discussing that with her pediatrician in a week).  Good news... I have been getting her to take the meds. though.  As soon as I stick the syringe in her mouth she starts sucking on it like she was an infant nursing as she fell asleep.

I've heard about smoke detectors where a parent records their voice telling the child to get up.  I guess the theory is that the child will wake more easily to a parent's voice than to a blaring beep.  Considering how well I can wake my daughter up, I'm thinking one of those would not work for us.  I just pray I never have opportunity to find out if the standard smoke detector will wake her or not.

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