Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Devil’s In the Detail

As my readers know by now, my son is a bit of an engineer.  He loves to make things.  In fact, he will build with K’Nex all day if left to himself.  I don’t know if it’s a recent occurrence or if it’s just something that I’ve noticed recently, but when he’s in the process of building things, he takes a break and comes and tells me what he’s done, what he’s about to do, as well as why he’s doing it that way.

You can tell he is passionate about what he is doing and saying, and I want to support my son, but the details are KILLING me.  I don’t care why he’s building something a certain way.  I don’t want a play-by-play as he builds it.  I just want to see it completed and be able to tell him that he’s build yet another cool thing.  At that point, if I like it enough, I’ll ask for those details.  After all, it’s easier to understand when I can see what he’s done, rather than guess at what he’s trying to explain.

1 comment:

  1. E makes me guess. Everything. I have to guess what she's drawing, what she's going to draw, what her imaginary friend is wearing or thinking or wanting to think or wear or... You get the idea.

    Gook luck with the mute button. I think we are not the only two parents to have ever had this frustration. :)
