... my heart and my wallet that is.
Well, my daughter got her major filling done a little while ago and she was such a trooper! Didn't complain once. Cooperated with the dentist. Was talking and making them smile and wonder at how well she was handling everything.
Apparently her nerve was more swollen than the dentist was expecting. To the point where she used multiple treatments to help relieve the swelling. Luckily, the dentist doesn't think the tooth will need to be pulled any time soon. It may need to come out before it would fall out on its own but the goal now is to make it till the adult tooth right behind it comes in. Can I just say how glad I am that we got a cancellation rather than the appointment that is 23 days away still!
So how did my heart survive? By taking a book to read so I had something else to focus on. That and hearing the dentist and her assistant keep mentioning that she was the best child patient they'd had with a filling of that depth and location. She even mentioned that she had adult patients that didn't do as well. Hearing that, certainly made me feel more at ease.
If only there was something that helped ease the sticker shock on the way out the door. Ugh! Having dental work is not cheap.
It really isn't cheap. Sam had the cavity between his top two front teeth, and even with insurance we paid a huge amount of money. Glad she did so well!!!