Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Big Reveal

In my last blog post I mentioned that I had been in a self-imposed hold for my life.  I told you that I was trying to accomplish a goal I had set and that I was working on my next goal and would probably be in another sort of hold for a while.

Well, today I'm going to tell you what this is all about.

I have decided to become a licensed realtor.  This is not a decision I came to lightly.  In fact I've been thinking about it for about 3 years but wanted to wait till the kids were older.  Technically, I'd like to wait till they are even a few years older, but life has necessitated that I do this now.

You see, a month ago my husbands hours were cut dramatically and for an indefinite period of time.  He is working on a new idea that we think will be able to bring in enough money to pay the bills, the only problem is that it will not be to that point for a few more months (maybe as many as 6 - 12).  So in order to help pay the bills without eating up all our savings till we get to that point, I decided I would try to find some work.  I still wanted to be able to have pretty flexible hours so of course I thought real estate.

When I contacted the realtor who helped us buy our new house asking her what I needed to do to get the process started, she asked me to come in to her office so we could talk about it.  When I got there, her partner was with her and I was offered a job working as a buyers agent once I got my license.  This is awesome on multiple levels: 1. My realtor was AWESOME!  She is the kind of person I want as a mentor and now she's going to be!  2. I got a job offer based on the way I bought our house (first time ever I think that's happened), and 3. I feel this was God's way of saying that this is the right thing for me to be doing right now.

So, what has been taking up all my time.  The licensing process of course.  In order to take the state test, you have to take a 63-hour state-approved class.  At the end of that class there is also a test.  Well, this last weekend I wanted to complete the class and take the end of class test.  All I needed to do to successfully complete the course was to get a 70% or higher on the test.  How thrilled was I when I got an 89%! 

The class I took was an on-line class.  That way I could fit it into my busy schedule but also because the earliest classroom class doesn't start till July 10.  During the online class, I had a few technical problems accessing the book so I ended up getting a study guide off Amazon so I could make sure I would meet my goal of taking the test when I wanted to.  After ordering the book the technically difficulties went away so I never really needed it.

Once I finished the class I scheduled my state test for the first available date which is July 3.  Since I have over a week to wait, I decided to take the practice tests in the study guide I bought to make sure I didn't forget any information.  I've taken 2 of 5 sample tests and I barely passed one and failed the other.  Not because I forgot a lot of information but because the book covered more information than apparently the online class did.  AAAAKKKK!!! 

So now I'm freaking out that I'm not going to pass the test next Tuesday.  My parents are planning on coming down in a few days to bring a 15' sail boat for us to store (and use - yippy!) so I know I will have them watching the kids some while I cram some more.

One more thing that I know will be really helpful.  Prayer.  If you could please do me a favor and pray for me I would appreciate it.