Sunday, March 23, 2014

Giddy as a School Girl

I have not really exercised in about 2 years.  My neighborhood isn't what I would consider pedestrian-safe and gym hours don't work well for our homeschool family.  Yes, I've fit in the occasional crunch, squats, or weights but I've found that nothing gets me motivated for those things like a bit of cardio work.

So when a friend said she had a treadmill to GIVE AWAY I jumped on the opportunity.  Today I actually used it for the first time since I got it.  I hate to admit it, but I've had the treadmill for a couple weeks; I just didn't have the place to put it.  It's still not exactly where I want it, but at least it's usable.

I didn't do much (1.25 miles), but considering it's been 2 years, I figured I'd start out slow and get my bearings.  I need to get some new shoes too, so I didn't want to overdo it in the nasty shoes I have (who needs shin splints?).  AND I didn't want to put it off any more especially since I'm thinking of doing a 5K in early May and a half-marathon in November.  Gotta get cracking! 

And yes folks... I am one of those crazy people that likes to exercise.  It's good to be getting back to it.  Now to regularly fit it into my already crazy schedule... that's going to be a challenge.

Precious!  My precious!


  1. Replies
    1. Want to come visit me in November for the half?

  2. You have inspired me. Maybe a 5k by summer and a really long swim by Thanksgiving. Ahhh. Thanks
